My Own Downtown - Dave Tate
Dave Tate’s expertise is in historic preservation. He knows the importance of preserving our past for the future.
“I think the future of Downtown is bright,” Dave said. “I think we have made huge inroads in the Downtown area and only see that improving.”
He added, “I also believe the restoration of the First Security Bank building will be the catalyst for more preservation in the area.”
Agreeably, everyone has different opinions about parking in Downtown, whether it’s in the past or present.
“I remember as a small child, sitting in the car while my parents drove around the block a dozen times looking for a parking spot!” he laughed. “Everyone was on the lookout for an empty spot and once you found it, you made sure all of your shopping was done before you gave it up.”
Dave is excited to see the many improvements in Downtown.
“When I was very young, Downtown was a busy, exciting area,” he shared. “By the time I was in high school, Downtown was a place you avoided as much as possible.”
He went on to say, “We are now seeing a resurgence in the Downtown area that makes it exciting again.”
Dave would like to see our "heroes" (the shoppers and the diners) keep supporting small businesses in Downtown.
“I would encourage others to take a look and see what is in Downtown before they hop on the computer,” he pointed out. “You can find plenty of cool, different things in the Downtown if you just take the time to check it out.”
…And that’s why Downtown Rock Springs is My Own Downtown.