Erik Hamm named August Volunteer of the Month for Rock Springs

Last Updated 9/3/2024

The Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency (URA) is pleased to announce Erik Hamm as our Volunteer of the Month for August. While the city's Brown Bag Concerts have enlivened Bank Court each summer for almost a decade, Erik broadened their reach this summer by livestreaming nine of the Tuesday shows. 

 A Rock Springs native, Erik managed Western Wyoming Community College's audio and video equipment for 28 years before retiring in March. His family has lived in the Rock Springs area since 1868. In addition to livestreaming the Brown Bag Concerts, Erik has been broadcasting other Sweetwater County events to YouTube, including three parades this year. As a WWCC employee, he brought livestreaming to the college in 2009, when he began streaming graduations and athletic events.

"A live event is more exciting than just putting together a video," Erik said. "You have more pressure on you to get things right and make things look good at the same time." Erik also serves on the board of directors of the local nonprofit Actors' Mission, which produces free community theater in Rock Springs.

Erik has been involved in dozens of plays since Actors' Mission was formed more than 20 years ago. Erik is also notable for the distinctive Christmas decorations that adorn his house each year, including the garland that he handcrafts. He strives to buy Christmas decorations that have been part of municipal events across the country in years past.

"I've been doing that for the last 40 years," he said. "I try to get the older vintage decorations that have a story behind them. I just love decorating."
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