2025 Mayor's Arts Awards

Elevating the arts...

The fifth annual Mayor's Arts Awards recognize outstanding artists in Sweetwater County and their contributions to Rock Springs.  

Any Sweetwater County citizen, organization or business may be nominated for the Mayor’s Arts Award (MAA). Accomplishments should reflect substantial contributions made in Rock Springs that exemplify a long-term commitment to the arts. 

The community is invited to nominate artists, organizations and businesses deserving of recognition.


Any Sweetwater County citizen, organization or business may be nominated for the Mayor’s Arts Award (MAA). Accomplishments should reflect substantial contributions made in Rock Springs that exemplify a long-term commitment to the arts.


Submit completed nomination packet with accompanying work samples no later than February 28, 2025 to Chad Banks at [email protected] 

Work samples must be digital PDF files. If accompanying work samples cannot be emailed, they can be mailed to:

Rock Springs Main Street/URA Chad Banks
603 S Main Street
Rock Springs, WY 82901 603 South Main St. 

Please include only the following support materials with your nomination

COVER LETTER - Please provide the following information on an 8.5” x 11” cover sheet:

  • Select one of the following categories for your nominee:
    • Individual: artist, arts educator, arts administrator, arts patron
    • Organization: arts organization, business, government support, media support
  • Provide information for the nominee:
    • Full name
    • Arts involvement, organization and/or professional affiliation
    • Mailing address
    • Phone number
    • Email address
  • Provide information for the nominator:
    • Name
    • Your relationship to the nominee
    • Mailing address
    • Phone number
    • Email address


  • Resume of individual or history of organization which clearly demonstrates arts contributions

NOMINATION LETTER (see Nomination Criteria below)

  • One nomination letter: no more than two pages, single spaced, 11 pt. font minimum and addressing the criteria outlined below in this document.

LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION (see Nomination Criteria below)

  • A minimum of two additional letters of recommendation: 1-2 pages each, single spaced, 11 pt. font minimum, supporting the nomination and addressing the criteria in this document.  It is recommended that these be from people who are familiar with differing aspects of the nominee’s arts involvement. Letters should focus on contributions to the arts and no other aspects of the nominee’s service to the community.

WORK SAMPLESSubmit no more than a total of 10 images and/or 10 work samples for review.

  • For individual artist nominees, provide digital samples of their work on a flash drive, or emailed directly to Chad Banks.
  • Digital images must be PC readable in JPG or TIFF format.
  • Video, music clips, or YouTube video should be no longer that three (3) minutes each.
  • For non-artist nominees, samples of the individual’s or organization’s work, including news articles, programs, etc. may be provided. Submitted work samples must follow the above size and format requirements as individual artist nominees.


    To be addressed within nomination and recommendation letters as appropriate to the nominee. Suggested topics:

    • How many years has the nominee been committed to the arts in general, or to a specific art form?
    • What outstanding contribution(s) has the nominee made to the arts in Rock Springs? Define the nature and impact of the nominee’s involvement.
    • Describe the breadth of the nominee’s support of various arts activities in the community.
    • Describe the nominee’s involvement in special initiatives supporting the arts.
    • Please address the nominee’s artistic excellence (for individual artists and arts organizations) or level of standards (for patrons and businesses).

    NOTE: The award determination is based primarily on the award criteria listed above. Nominators should take great care to make the case on behalf of their nominees by addressing all applicable criteria in their nomination letters and should encourage individuals preparing letters of recommendations to do the same. The nominator must be willing to do a short video on why they selected the nominee (if their nominee is chosen.)

    Need Help?!?! If you need assistance or guidance in completing your nomination, PLEASE reach out to the Community Fine Arts Center and our committee will be happy to help. 

    If an application is incomplete it will not be reviewed.

    Nominations are due by February 28, 2025 

    Download Nomination Information