Weber Completes Internship

Jaden Weber, an Electrical Engineering Major from Western Wyoming Community College, had an interesting semester as an intern for the Rock Springs Main Street/Urban Renewal Agency and Broadway Theater.

            Weber helped with the last performances at the Broadway Theater before the community saw a wave of cancellations due to concerns of the COVID-19 virus. He also helped with maintenance of Bunning Hall and Broadway Theater. Weber assisted with the Small Business Saturday and Plaid Friday campaigns, which encouraged locals and visitors to keep supporting small businesses, especially during these challenging times. He updated the gazebo on the corner of D and Broadway Street along with other tasks.  

            Bernadine Craft, Director of Sweetwater BOCES presented a check to Weber and conveyed her gratitude for the services he provided this semester.

                Weber expressed his appreciation for the opportunity he received through Sweetwater BOCES.

                Even though, a few changes took place on the theater’s agenda, Weber still received some hands-on experience in theater operations.

            “It was amazing to see how much goes into shows before, during and after,” Weber said.

            Meeting business owners and sharing campaign information was one of Weber’s duties as an intern.

            “This internship shows how you can help the community and learn about the small businesses we have here – they’re wonderful,” he shared. “Others should get to know them too if they haven’t already.”

                One of the goals Sweetwater BOCES has is exploring the feasibility of a Tech-Prep program with college and high school staff and representatives from business and industry.

Originally posted by Broadway Theater Rock Springs via Locable