My Own Downtown - Maria Mortensen
Maria Mortensen may have grown up in Jackson Hole, Wyoming but according to her, Rock Springs has always been a home away from home for her.
“I spent a lot of time with extended family before moving here,” she explained. “I still have family here.”
When she relocated here, she enjoyed visiting old businesses in Downtown like Woolworth’s and seeing the banks up and running.
“I remember catching the Rock Springs/Jackson bus downtown and having a pancake breakfast at the café while we waited for its’ arrival,” Maria recalled.
Maria believes Downtown is the most positive part of our community.
“In 2011, I was asked to volunteer for the URA because of my passion for our town,” she shared. “This has been such a great way to be involved in making Rock Springs a great place to live.”
She added, “By being allowed to participate in this way has helped make it MY downtown.”
Maria especially enjoys the outdoor events in Downtown.
“I love the Brown Bag concerts, seeing lots of friends and former coworkers and listening to music with them,” Maria said.
Supporting small businesses keeps Downtown kicking and no one knows that better than Maria.
“Shop Downtown. Go to the mom and pop stores and restaurants every chance you get,” she suggested. “Volunteer at events and activities as well as on committees. Attend events. Donate!”
Maria is proud that Downtown Rock Springs is still moving forward.
“Downtown continues to blossom with new art work and continues to host events like Second Saturdays, Brown Bag Concerts, Main Street Markets, just to name a few things,” Maria mentioned. “The Main Street/URA Board continues to work to raise money to offer paint and facade grants.”
She concluded by saying, “The First Security Bank building will be updated and renovated and will come back to life in a few short years. I can't wait to see how it looks when it’s done.”